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Image by Patrick Tomasso


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The Value in Productivity

Being raised in an environment or household where productivity is tied to your worth can lead to a lot of imbedded trauma that I think a...

Fasting for Festival Season

TRIGGER WARNING: MENTIONS OF E.D. AND BODY IMAGE ———————————-— This time of the year for South Asians is usually filled with holidays,...

Staying Grounded

Recently, I’ve been studying a lot about Chakras (energy spaces or wheels in the human body) which originate from Hindu teachings. I...

Mental Health- Through a Different Lense

Black Lives Matter. A movement that has been around since 2013 but in light of George Floyd's murder at the hands of the police this...

What is "enough" ?

are you "good enough" ? what do you comprehend that statement to be? For me, i perceive it as the world's importance for standards. what...

Right people at the wrong time

Was that person actually right for you, or was that person just the best you convinced yourself you could have? In relationships, whether...

Run that treadmill

Life recently has been feeling like a treadmill, I’m running but not going anywhere. I don’t see the progress until I get off and notice...

"Trust the Process"

Seniors! I know this COVID situation really did not make your last year of high school as great as you thought it would be. And to add to...

The uncomfort in uncontrollable situations.

Formally, stress is defined as the chemical reaction in our brain as a result of uncontrollable factors in our life. Most of the things...

Being alone vs. being lonely

Isn’t it ironic how sometimes the people who prefer to be alone are actually the most lonely? Me personally, I think humans are scared of...

"Comparison is the thief of joy"

People think its ironic how we can compare two completely different things on the same scale. For example, comparing a 4th grader who is...

Valentine's Day

We often associate the concept of love as something which needs to be reciprocated. People will leave relationships holding onto the...

Love Isn't a Selfish Thing

Often, I have seen so many of my friends get so into a relationship, they lose all sense of self and once that couple breaks up, they...

Identifying YOU

In a world influenced by social media, societal norms, and unrealistic public figures, it is very easy to drift away from who we are....

The Successes of Your Mental Health

I was chatting with someone earlier today and we were talking about mental health in general. He then began to tell me his own...

You are not defined by a letter

I assume most of you are either in school, about to finish school, or already have a job; However, this concept applies no matter what...

To grow, You Have to Outgrow

We have all been in a toxic relationship, whether it be romantically, or with a friend or family member. And I know that we often think...

Be Thankful for the Mistakes

Have you ever noticed that when people list the things they’re thankful for, its always the good things? It’s always things like their...

You are your light

whenever we go through something traumatic, heartbreaking, life-changing, we always look to others to support us in the darkest time. and...

Finding Your Core

Hello everyone, I had taken a long break from writing and all of my social media for a while as a lot of things had been going on this...

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